Flash Mob Law

AZ Pillow Fight 14 by Sheila Dee, used with permission

AZ Pillow Fight 14 by Sheila Dee, used with permission

Flash mobs are awesome! Getting arrested for being in a flash mob is not.

I have participated in over 20 flash mobs and pranks since 2009 and I’m a co-founder of Improv AZ.  Since my first flash mob, I’ve been fascinated by the legal implications of acting outside the norm.

There are many legal issues organizers and participants need to consider before, during, and after a flash mob including conspiracy, trespassing, and even copyright infringement. There are so many issues, I wrote a book about them.  We’ll talk about the most common legal issues you have to consider if you are going to organize or participate in a flash mob, including special considerations that occur when you use a flash mob as a guerrilla marketing tactic.

As the ABA’s Legal Rebel on flash mob law, I’m excited to share my wealth of knowledge of this topic with you, whether your goal is to keep your client or yourself out of trouble. Please contact me to make arrangements to have me speak on flash mob law at your event.