I love Aimee’s Farm Animal Sanctuary. This is where I go to volunteer when I need to get away from being a lawyer. This farm is home to 100+ animals, many of which have special needs. Additionally, the farm provides therapeutic support for adults and children with various physical and emotional disabilities. They also offer tours and cow hugging sessions to the general public. It is truly a healing place.

Aimee’s Farm needs our help. Their landlord informed her that he sold the land to developers, so the farm needs to relocate. The more money they can put for a down payment, the more options the farm will have for its new home.
Some people are holding yard sales and selling t-shirts to raise funds for the farm. The best thing I could think to offer is CLEs for Charity. If you make a $500 donation to the farm, I will do a one-hour continuing legal education (CLE) for your firm either in-person if I’m in your area or by video conference.
Some of the topics I can do a CLE on are:
- How to Use LinkedIn Effectively (Ethics)
- The Legal Side of Blogging and Social Media for Lawyers (Ethics)
- Content Marketing for Lawyers
- The Law Isn’t Black and White. Neither are Non-Binary Rights
- What Not to Do: Ethical Blunders by Real Lawyers (Ethics)

(If $500 is too much for you and you want to participate in CLEs for Charity, make me an offer.)