I tried to conform to what law student is supposed to be. I swear I really tried, but I sucked at it. About half way through my 1L year, I realized ignoring the rules was leading to amazing professional opportunities for me.
I’m sharing my story of how I went from a middle-of-the-pack law student to a nationally recognized public speaker and legal blogger, a best-selling book author, and a law firm owner. And I’m sharing all my tips and tricks that any law student can use to stand out from the crowd, even those who are following a more traditional career path.
I often felt lost and alone in law school because there was no path for law students who want a non-traditional career to follow. I muddled through, adopting lessons and ideas from entrepreneurs and marketers like Ari Kaplan, Jason SurfrApp, and Gary Vaynerchuk. I also took a lot of risks – and most of them led to greater success.
When I graduated from law school, I was basically unemployable in the conservative Arizona legal market and now I’m nationally known for my work in social media and flash mob law. In the whirlwind that followed the beginning of my legal practice, I became the first (and only) Arizona attorney to be named an ABA Legal Rebel and I published three best-selling books.
My peers have called me the “most successful” and the “most famous” person from my graduating class, and I wasn’t in the top 10% academically or on a law journal.
My goal is to empower you to run with your crazy ideas and take responsibility for your future success, because I promise you no one is going to make things happen for you. I will encourage you to be bold and play to your strengths. Some people say the path to success is a marathon, not a sprint. I prefer to say it’s a lifestyle.
Please contact me if you are interested in having me speak at your school or event.
Please note that any talk that I do at a law school can include up to an hour talk for students plus and informal meet-and-greet time. I really want to have the chance to chat with your students about their ideas and how to make them work. I can also make myself available to meet privately with your faculty, career services staff, and student groups.